Friday, July 11, 2008


Okay, I'm exhausted tonight. All this work, rehearsal, line memorizing business is finally getting to me. Fortunately, I get to sleep in tomorrow, but I've just got no ability to think straight tonight.

Here, read this bit from Wikipedia:

Cartman runs a 'pest control' service to try and rid the town of hippies, people he feared and hated for most of the series, mainly because "they smoke pot, wear crap and smell bad." Having studied hippies in his quest to eradicate them, Cartman deduces that the hippies are about to start a music festival in South Park. His attempts to warn the town council are futile, and he is arrested soon afterwards for imprisoning 63 captured hippies in his basement.

The town of South Park is soon invaded by the largest population of hippies in the history of man, and the music festival threatens to destroy the town. They manage to convert Stan, Kyle and Kenny to their cause with talks of corporate evils, and the trio get caught up in the massive hippie crowd where they all listen to jam band music.

More here.

You know, for all my leftism and Beatle love, Cartman has really gone a long way toward turning me against hippies. I mean, they really are dirty, stinky, pushy, preachy, loud, parasitic, and generally pointless and lame. Fuck 'em. I've come to prefer the Beats, anyway.

Watch "Die, Hippie, Die!" here.

Filthy fucking hippies!
