Tuesday, April 06, 2010

GOP Congressmen Say That ‘Everyone’ In
Congress ‘Would Agree That Iraq Was A Mistake’

Think Progress courtesy of Eschaton:

Yesterday, the libertarian Cato Institute hosted a panel discussion on conservatism and the war in Afghanistan with Rep. Tom McClintock (R-CA), Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) and Rep. John J. Duncan, Jr. (R-TN). When the conversation shifted to the war in Iraq, Rohrabacher said that “once President Bush decided to go into Iraq, I thought it was a mistake because we hadn’t finished the job in Afghanistan,” but that once Bush “decided to go in,” he “felt compelled” to “back him up.” He then added that “the decision to go in, in retrospect, almost all of us think that was a horrible mistake.”

Moderator Grover Norquist then asked Rohrabacher to provide a “guesstimate percentage of Republicans in Congress who would share that view — not that they opposed the President at the time, but today looking back.” Rohrabacher replied that “everybody I know thinks it was a mistake to go in now”

here, including video.

So how about a massive apology to the anti-war movement? You know, the people the right wing branded as everything from stupid to treasonous before, during, and after the invasion. How about a sincere promise to listen seriously to dissenters with reasonable arguments, and to consider honestly what they have to say, the next time the nation ponders extraordinarily important issues? You know, like right now, on Afghanistan, health care, global warming, the economy, and more.

Yeah, I know. It's a bit too much to expect people with massive dildos of self-righteousness rammed deep in their asses to learn from their mistakes. Besides, it wasn't just the Republicans. Most of the Democrats in Congress were frothing at the mouth about getting Saddam Hussein. The news media, too. Really, the whole fucking nation just went nuts after 9/11. I mean, sure, the Republicans led the way, but most willingly followed.

As the years go by, I'm really starting to understand why George Carlin claimed to have given up on humanity during the last years of his life, why Mark Twain got so dark and cynical when he was an old man. We're just a bunch of stupid apes cursed with language and intellect. We continually act out emotionally driven alpha male domination scenarios on a grand scale, while philosophizing it all as somehow noble or enlightened.

I'd have been much better off if I'd never gone to college, never graduated high school. Maybe then I wouldn't be so disgusted all the time.
