Friday, December 28, 2012

As America Mourned a Shooting Tragedy, Cynical Christian 
Right Leaders Tried to Cash in by Blaming Atheism

From AlterNet, my favorite recovering Protestant fundamentalist, Frank Schaeffer, once again calls out his former fellow travelers on their total bullshit:

Bryan Fischer of the American family Association said the victims at Sandy Hook had lost God’s protection because prayer has been prohibited from schools. “The question is going to come up, where was God?,” Fischer said. “I thought God cared about the little children. God protects the little children. Where was God when all this went down. Here's the bottom line, God is not going to go where he is not wanted... Now we have spent since 1962 -- we're 50 years into this now--we have spent 50 years telling God to get lost, telling God we do not want you in our schools, we don't want to pray to you in our schools, we do not want to pray to your before football games, we don't want to pray to you at graduations, we don't want anybody talking about you in a graduation speech... In 1962 we kicked prayer out of the schools. In 1963 we kicked God's word out of ours schools. In 1980 we kicked the Ten Commandments out of our schools. We've kicked God out of our public school system. And I think God would say to us, 'Hey, I'll be glad to protect your children, but you've got to invite me back into your world first. I'm not going to go where I'm not wanted. I am a gentlemen.”

More here.

I'm getting sick of this crap, so I'll cut to the chase.  If this is how God actually operates, using psychopaths to extract the Lord's vengeance on groups of totally innocent individuals, by way of mass murder, or even via natural disasters, or whatever, then one must necessarily conclude that Yahweh was hard at work during the Holocaust, punishing the Jews for...what...not embracing Jesus?  Being too cosmopolitan or international?  Not moving quickly enough to re-establish Israel so we can get our Apocalypse on?  Whatever.

But that's where this kind of bullshit thinking must necessarily lead: if God is necessarily calling the shots for every major evil or tragic event suffered by humanity, then God caused the Holocaust, for reasons his modern day prophets, butthole fundamentalist ministers, have yet to explain.  

And that's what these guys are, self-anointed prophets, people who insist that they literally know the mind of God.  Sure, they can point to this verse or that, can say that they're just preaching the Scriptures, but, in the end, they can't possibly know what God is doing at any moment or why.  That is, they're totally full of shit, draping themselves with multiple lies: firstly, that they know how God thinks, secondly, that they aren't self-proclaimed prophets, even while, thirdly, they claim to speak for God.  Never mind how such violence-glorifying runs utterly counter to the New Testament's message of love and forgiveness; this kind of behavior is downright cult-like, approaching the sinister antics of Jim Jones or Charles Manson.

I don't understand how anybody who calls himself Christian can avoid howling rebukes toward these people 24/7, let alone believe what these evil men preach.  What's the point in following Jesus if you don't denounce the Devil in your midst?
