Friday, December 14, 2012

The NYU Student Tweeting Every Reported US Drone Strike Has Revealed A Disturbing Trend

From Business Insider courtesy of a facebook friend:

NYU student Josh Begley is tweeting every reported U.S. drone strike since 2002, and the feed highlights a disturbing tactic employed by the U.S. that is widely considered a war crime.

Known as the "double tap," the tactic involves bombing a target multiple times in relatively quick succession, meaning that the second strike often hits first responders. 

A 2007 report by the Homeland Security Institute called double taps a "favorite tactic of Hamas" and the FBI considers it a tactic employed by terrorists.

More here.

Of course, it's only terrorism when they do it.

This is some serious fucked up shit, as if using drones for the assassinations sinisterly euphemized as "targeted killings" weren't bad enough in and of themselves.  I mean, imagine Al Qaeda hijacking a fifth plane and flying it into Ground Zero on the afternoon of 9/11 for the express purpose of killing fire fighters and EMTs.  That's essentially what we're doing, something arguably worse than the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.  But nobody's calling it what it actually is: terrorism.

Like most liberals, I am very pleased that the psychotic conservative party was defeated last month by the mentally stable conservative party.  That means things aren't going to get much worse.  For a while.  But things are bad now.  Really bad.  Our "liberal" president consciously and proudly performs terrorism as official policy.  That is, like his predecessor, Barack Obama is a war criminal.  And the fact that he's a Democrat can't wash the blood off his hands.  Or our hands, for that matter, as a nation.  

How did we ever come to this?
