Wednesday, July 31, 2013

10 Worst Fox News Interviews of the Decade

From AlterNet:

On Friday, Fox News aired what many are claiming was the most embarrassing interview the network has ever hosted. This is a truly impressive claim, one that’s worth examining further.

A 2011 study by Farleigh Dickinson University found that Fox News viewers are the least informed about current events. There are annual roundups and entire blogs devoted to Fox News disasters. There’s so much to choose from — from a chyron calling Elie Wiesel a Holocaust Winner, to Dana Perino rapping on “Fox & Friends,” to Megyn Kelly announcing that Pepper Spray is “a food product, basically” — that we’ve limited the scope to the 10 most embarrassing, cringe-worthy discussions conducted on Fox in the past 10 years. It will come as no surprise that most of them include professional shouter Bill O’Reilly.

More here, with LOTS of video.

No clever commentary from me on this tonight.  I simply think it's worth being reminded from time to time just how utterly absurd Fox News actually is.  I mean, I know this, of course, but the psychotic depths of the very successful right-wing propaganda and profit machine become shallower in my mind as the years go by, and a refresher reminds me of how terrifying evil clowns really are.

For my money, the Jeremy Glick interview, which tops the list, continues to be the most infamous Fox moment of all time, but there's some good stuff on there, to be sure.  Go check it out.  It's kind of fun, albeit in a sort of gallows humor way.
