Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Newspaper Marks 1000 Days of Iraq War with Key Stats

From Editor and Publisher courtesy of
the Daily Kos, and originating in the London Independent, some of my favorate numbers coming out of the quagmire:

$204.4 billion: The cost to the U.S of the war so far.

2,339: Allied troops killed

15,955: US troops wounded in action

30,000 : Estimated Iraqi civilian deaths

0: Number of WMDs found

53,470: Iraqi insurgents killed

90: Daily attacks by insurgents in Nov '05. In Jun '03: 8

Click here for more.

No matter how you look at it, morally, pragmatically, economically, strategically, whatever, this war is a sick and stupid joke. It's gone from being simply a really really bad idea to being, perhaps, the worst thing the United States has ever done. Like the last worst thing we've ever done, the illegal "police action" in Vietnam, it's a war that cannot be won. Obviously, the US needs to immediately withdraw, and by that I mean in a way where loss of life is minimized, but I feel quite certain that the ruling elite is in it for the long haul--that is, there is so much to be gained by controlling the Persian Gulf oil spigot, it's likely that there will be a US troop presence in Iraq two decades from now, three decades even. The only way out of this mess is by mass public disapproval, but I don't think we've reached the tipping point yet. Anti-war attitudes need to be totally commonplace; Bush bashing must be something that pretty much nobody has a problem with.

Soon, I hope, soon.
