Tuesday, December 13, 2005



I was at the grocery store the other day looking for some sugary goodness and was startled to see this latest offering from the fine folks at Kellogg's. How could anyone not think that the box looks like a giant bowl of perfectly rolled up turds?. All that's missing is some puffed corn to make it the most scat-a-riffic breakfast of all time. I wonder if perhaps this is some tribute to the company's founder, RJ Kellogg, who was a near crazy health nut who espoused the benefits of frequent enemas.

here for the rest.

You've gotta wonder what these marketing guys are thinking. I mean, it's not like they're stupid. Indeed, these are some pretty quick and witty people we're talking about. I can't help but think that they knew exactly what they were doing when they came up with a fudge flavored cereal that looks just like dooky. I bet they're laughing about it even now.

Just as I am.

Really, I'm very much of the opinion that all the best jokes come out of kindergarten: doo-doo cereal is just about the funniest thing I've ever heard of. It beats Mattel's "Earring Magic" dance club oriented Ken doll from the 90s, a.k.a. the very gay "Cock Ring Ken," by miles and miles.

Don't get me wrong; Cock Ring Ken is pretty funny, too.
