Wednesday, February 07, 2007


For the moment, anyway. Part of my assistantship duties as a grad student at LSU, in addition to teaching, is working in the office of our associated professional theater, Swine Palace. Our marketing director recently established a couple of myspace pages, one for LSU theater alumni, and one for Swine Palace. Good idea. After all, all the rock bands and swingers are doing it, so why not us? Of course, marketing guy wants it to have some content, which means fairly regular blog posts. Because I'm the only blogger in the office, I got the job by default. I must say, I'm enjoying it. I mean, it's definitely not the same thing I'm doing at Real Art, but the skills, like fast, loose, and informal blurbing, hyperlinking to explanatory sources, throwing in a few pics, and formatting, are exactly the same.

Here, check this one out. Or this one.

Heh, the play review post is particularly familiar territory to me. The only difference is that I have to be much more, well, diplomatic with it all, 'cause, you know, I'm writing for an organization instead of for myself.

At any rate, I'm getting paid to blog now, and it's kind of fun.

I also got to edit and add hyperlinks to the Swine Palace Wikipedia page.
