Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Four Years Later, George Bush’s War Drags On: How to Stop It?

From the Progressive:

Four years later, and George Bush’s Iraq War drags on.

Four years and 3,300 dead U.S. soldiers later, and George Bush’s Iraq War drags on.

Four years and 24,000 wounded U.S. soldiers later, and George Bush’s Iraq War drags on.

Four years and anywhere between 60,000 and more than 650,000 dead Iraqi civilians later, and George Bush’s Iraq War drags on.

Four years and $400 billion later, George Bush’s Iraq War drags on.

Four years and a badly tarnished U.S. reputation later, George Bush’s Iraq War drags on.

Four years and more acts of global terrorism later, George Bush’s Iraq War drags on.

How do we stop it?


Frankly, it’s hard to know what would be enough, at this point, given the “we-don’t-give-a-shit” attitude of Bush and Cheney.

But rest assured, if we did nothing, Bush and Cheney would be delighted.

So we’re going to have increase our militancy, I’m afraid. We’re going to need to engage in nonviolent civil disobedience, as many of our colleagues are, at legislators’ offices and in the streets. And we’re going to have to devise creative, nonviolent ways to stop business as usual. Because today that business is war.

Click here for the rest.

Yeah, how do we stop it? Congress isn't doing jack shit, which is very disappointing given that the GOP no longer controls it. My guess is that energies are best directed at the Democrats. They're really dragging their feet on this, and they most definitely could end the war if they put their minds to it--maybe they're still afraid of Republican cries of "unpatriotic." Bunch of cowards. The vast majority of this country now wants out, but our leaders are doing nothing about it. It's time to put the Donkey Party in thumbscrews.

UPDATE: I just emailed this to my Senator.

Dear Senator Landrieu,

I'm very curious about what effort you are personally making in the Senate to end the US occupation of Iraq. Now that opinion polls have shown repeatedly that the majority of Americans want the war to end, it has been frustrating to watch Democrats on Capitol Hill seemingly drag their feet on the issue. I just got word that a student I knew when I was teaching high school in Texas a couple of years ago was recently killed over there. Another one, now a marine, ships out soon. How much longer will this be allowed to continue?

Thank you very much for your response.
Not thumbscrews exactly, but it is something that everyone reading this can do right now with their own Senators and Representatives.
