Sunday, February 19, 2006


Damn it!

I don't know what the deal is, but my Friday Cat Blogging post, and my post on journalistic objectivity and narrative construction from Friday were eaten by Blogger. I also lost a couple of reader comments, a complimentary note by a blogger from Austin named Glenda for the latter post, and a witty barb by toledodave about my cat pictures, which is, all things considered, not so painful because Dave is a professional photographer, and, obviously, waaay better at that sort of thing than I am--he certainly has the right to bust my chops about it. What I'd like is to get him onstage playing Hamlet or something and then tell him why it's just not working.

With my luck, however, it would probably turn out that Dave took some courses with Meisner when he lived in New York, and is, in fact, a better actor than I am, too.

But enough of that. I was able to reconstruct the two posts, and they're now happily ensconced below. Hopefully, Blogger is now no longer hungry, and you'll get to actually check them out. Alas, getting all of this figured out took up most of my allotted blogging time this evening, so I'm only going to make one more brief post above--I've still got a lot on my plate until Mardi Gras, so I've got work to do.
