Thursday, November 02, 2006


From the Houston Chronicle:

Perry: Government should save children from 'godlessness'

Gov. Rick Perry in a closed meeting today told black ministers in Houston that government has an important function in promoting strong moral values and saving children from a "culture of godlessness" that exists on television.

"It's a ridiculous notion to say you cannot legislate morality," Perry told the ministers.

Meanwhile, Perry's main challengers traveled the state trying to drum up support more publicly. Democrat Chris Bell and independent Kinky Friedman were in East Texas, while independent Comptroller Carole Keeton Strayhorn was in Central Texas and Houston.

Perry's visit with the ministers at the Houston Grand Plaza Hotel was not on his campaign schedule. His remarks were audible to reporters waiting in the lobby before they were asked to leave by hotel management.

Click here for the rest.

I don't even know where to start criticizing this one.

Americans who have a basic knowledge of the US Constitution fully understand that the government, with very good reason, is totally forbidden to undertake any action that is tantamount to establishing a religion--public school mandated prayer, for instance, favors Christianity, and because the schools are an arm of government, and because favoring any one religion over another, or over atheism or agnosticism for that matter, is essentially the same as giving Christianity official status, it is illegal. Same thing with saving children from "godlessness," whatever the hell that means. That is, if Perry follows through on his secret threat, he'll be breaking the law.

The dumbshit.

Furthermore, what the fuck kind of moral values is the government supposed to promote? I'm almost one hundred percent certain that Perry isn't interested in promoting my values. After all, my values would have Perry thrown out of office and into a nice jail cell where he could think about how his tenure as governor has made things much worse for poor Texans but much better for wealthy Texans. I'm sure that what Perry's pushing would be called "Christian" values, despite the fact that such values really have nothing to do with what Jesus actually asserted.

It is ironic, indeed, that my values are much, much closer to the Gospels than the winner-take-all philosophy of dickwad Republicans like Haircut Rick.

Finally, what the fuck is up with the super-secret nature of Perry's speech? He fucking talks about stalking Texas godlessness in private, but pretends to be tolerant and inclusive in public. Goddamned Republicans. This is soooooo slimy. The punchline here is that, like his predecessor George W. Bush, Perry probably has no intention of actually doing anything for the religious right. It's all just talk.

But it's still damned infuriating. The fucker.
